Blogs for Better Relationships
The Truth About Over-Thinkers
Why you overthink, the price of overthinking, and the chance to reclaim your life!
To Ghost or Not to Ghost
Are you considering ghosting someone? Or are you a serial ghoster? Click to learn the unintended consequences of ghosting, what it says about you, when it’s okay, and what to do instead.
7 Common Communication Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Ready for some real advice? Here are 7 common communication mistakes that aren’t commonly talked about.
Help for The Holiday: A Survival Guide for The Dysfunctional Family
Heading home for the holidays and bracing for impact? Here is a master list of tips to keep yourself sane in the presence of family dysfunction.
How to Hack Mental Health Symptoms
Symptoms are like fire alarms; loud, intense, and urgent. While we instinctively just want to turn them off, they bring an important warning. Approaching symptoms with compassion and curiosity is the key to reconnecting with our true self.
How to Create Lasting Change in 30 Days
Change may not be easy — but it can be simple! I’ve compiled some of the best tips and tricks to make change simple, satisfying, and sustainable.
The Dumpee Survival Guide: How to Handle Being Dumped with Dignity and Grace
They left, and you aren’t sure how to recover. This is the survival guide that will turn this break up into a break through.
How to Breakup Better
There is no pain-free way to end a relationship, but there are ways to minimize the damage.
Books for Better Relationships
This is an ongoing list of books that both myself and my clients have found helpful over the years. As I am exposed to new resources and suggestions, this list will continuously grow! I imagine that there is at least one book list that could benefit you in someway, if not more — as well as a few books that don’t resonate with you at all.
Watch Your Mouth! Especially When You Talk To Yourself
Beliefs are just thoughts that we have over-and-over and bought-into. It’s crucial to pay attention to how we speak to ourselves, so that we don’t carelessly water the weeds of our minds.
When Your Partner Tells You They Want to Split-Up, Believe Them
If you find yourself in a relationship where your partner often threatens break-up or divorce, the best thing to do is to take them seriously and respond accordingly.
The Importance of Letting Go - But Not Right Away
“Letting go” is an essential part of life — but that doesn’t make it easy. It requires a process where we must mentally and emotionally digest everything before we are ready to let go. But let me tell you, it’s worth it.
Ego: A Codependent Relationship We All Struggle With
Ego may be the Latin translation for “I”, but it isn’t who we really are. When we confuse our needs with the needs of the ego, we lose ourselves in order to enable it.
Emotions: What They Are and Why We Need Them
Emotions are the product of our perception, and offer us valuable information about our experiences. However, while emotions are always valid, they are not always accurate.
How to Tell the Difference Between Anxiety and Intuition
Is that voice in your head coming from a place of knowing, or a place of fear? While both anxiety and intuition both try to keep you from harm, only one is accurate. Keep reading to learn the difference.
“Is My Therapist My Friend?” Why Your Therapist is Better Than a Friend
They listen to you, support you, and help you through some of the toughest moments of your life. Isn’t that a friend?? No — but in many ways, it’s even better!
How to Set Boundaries: A Better Approach in 10 Steps
Boundaries are not barriers — Rather, they are bridges to sustainable connection. In this article, you’ll learn 10 steps to set and maintain boundaries.
Connect, Don’t Coddle — Why We Need to Allow People to Have Their Own Emotions
It can be tempting to avoid difficult conversations with someone, especially when you’re worried about how it might make them feel. But emotional coddling doesn’t breed connection, and it actually causes more harm than good…
Bad—But Not THAT Bad
Settling doesn’t mean secure — Settling means suffering. A tale of how my toes taught me an important lesson.
Credibility, Transparency, and Trust
There is power in credibility. To be credible, we must be believable, and to be believable, we must risk being truthful about ourselves.