Blogs for Better Relationships
What Young Adults Need to Hear: Creating Structure After School
Many young adults have an identity crisis after school is over. Who are they if not a student? What are they supposed to do with their life? Here is a conversation they need to hear.
Love and The Narcissist: Can They Feel It?
Are narcissistic people capable of love? Or was it all a lie? The answer may surprise you.
Why You Aren’t Happy, and How to Change That
If you don’t feel the way you want to feel, it could be because you have poor emotional habits. Here’s how to change that!
The 5 Love Languages: How We Receive and Express Love
Different people feel and express love differently. Understanding The 5 Love Languages will make sure your love is never lost in translation.
Protect Your Relationship: 8 Boundaries Every Couple Needs
Love is a precious thing that’s worth defending. Trust alone isn’t enough! This is where boundaries come in.
If You Trust Them, Do You Still Need Boundaries?
Trust as a feeling and trust as a verb are two different things. Boundaries are what join the two together.
New Year, New You: The Ultimate Goal Setting Strategy
Are you ready to finally get your sh*t together? Do you want to be the best version of yourself, but you're not exactly sure where to start? Here is everything you need!
Narcissists Unmasked: How to Recognize and Evade Their Manipulation Tactics
Narcissistic people have a web of tactics they use to abuse and manipulate people. Here’s a simple way of understanding their strategy and how to protect yourself from it.
How a Narcissistic Person Thinks
When you understand how a narcissistic person thinks, you can be better prepared to protect yourself. Here’s what you need to know…
How to Outsmart A Narcissistic Person
If you’ve ever tried to argue with a narcissistic person, you know how frustrating it can be! Conflict with narcissistic people must be handled differently. Here’s how to do it!
Are You a Perfectionist, or Are You Just Insecure?
If you identify as a “perfectionist”, I imagine that question just triggered you…But hear me out! There is a significant difference.
Where Do Attachment Styles Come From?
Our style of attachment will determine our relationship programming. So where does it come from? And can it be changed? Here are the answers you need!
Simple Attachment Style Assessment
The most simple, functional assessment and understanding of attachment styles you can find! Date wiser, manage conflict better, and have healthy, long-lasting relationships!
Create Your Own Closure
Without closure, we can't move on. Here's how to create your own closure if you didn't get it from your relationship.
Is My Therapy Working?
If you aren’t noticing positive change, at some point, we need to question whether therapy is actually working or not, and why that is. Here are some examples to help you tell the difference.
4 Questions to Ask on a Date: Assess Compatibility & Identify Red Flags
Date smarter, NOT harder! Here are four must-have questions for your next date ;)
The Truth About Red Pill
Sex-based ideologies have created a hostile dating environment that have left both men and women feeling hopeless. Here is a healthier and encouraging path forward!
3 Sex Tips for Men
Positive role models and examples of healthy sexual relationships are nonexistent for most men. Here are 3 sex tips for men that offer some much needed encouragement and guidance.
3 Sex Tips for Women
Many women are lost in the terrain searching for love, but are finding trauma instead. As a psychotherapist trained in marriage and family therapy, I’m here with three sex tips for women, that you likely haven’t heard elsewhere.
Avoidant Attachment vs Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Are they avoidant or a narcissist? There is some overlap between the two that can make it difficult to know for sure what you’re dealing with, and therefore, how you should proceed. Here are the important distinctions…